Thursday, December 27, 2012

I LIKE adoption

A while ago, my husband introduced me to the Gospel Coalition's website.  If you've never checked it out, I highly recommend it.  There are so many good articles and resources there.  The Gospel Coalition was founded by men like Tim Keller, John Piper and Don Carson if that tells you anything. 

He recently found this video on adoption on the Coalition's site.  It was made by I Like Giving. I Like Giving is a movement to inspire people to live generously. It doesn't say "give" generously, but "live" generously. There's a big difference when you think about it. 

In this video you will meet the Dennehy family. They are a beautiful picture of what love is and can be.  It's also a wonderful picture of adoption.  What a gift...the gift of family!  I am reminded that my stuff and my possessions cannot be what define me.  If they do, then I'll never be satisfied.  The most important thing is love.  Love for that makes me want to live sacrificially.  A love that says this American dream is a lie and it cannot satisfy you...only Jesus and living for Him can.


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