Saturday, November 17, 2012


It's been three weeks since we landed in the U.S.  Our family is doing well and taking one day at a time.  Some days I feel like I have it all under control other days it is just a mess, but it is a good mess! Jonathan has the biggest smile and a laugh that is contagious!  But despite the joy in this little boy, everyday I see the evidence of the trauma he has experienced in his short life and I am reminded that this is not the way God intended it to be. As a dear  friend  (who has also adopted) wrote to me this week...what a conflict that for us to experience such joy, he had to experience such loss.  I am thankful that God is the one who is doing the healing and that we are just his vessels!

Every week has been a week of firsts and this one was no different.  Jonathan got to experience his first college football game.  We went to the Arkansas/South Carolina game.  He had a great time and  is becoming a pro at calling the Hogs.

This week he went to his first doctor's appointment.  I knew after our Visa medical check up in Uganda that going to the doctor would be tough. It was.  It took Jason and I and two nurses to hold him down while he got his shots.  Poor boy!  The good news is we won't have to do that for another two months.  We also completed our first social worker visit this week.  We are required to do three visits with our social worker during the first six months of being home.  The adoption paperwork and requirements don't stop when they are home! :)

Have a great weekend!


  1. What a great smile! Praying for all of you as you adjust to being a family of 5. Can't wait to see y'all this Spring!

  2. What a great smile! Praying for all of you as you adjust to being a family of 5. Can't wait to see y'all this Spring!

  3. So thankful for God who heals! We love yall!

  4. Continued prayers for your families transition and Jonathan's healing. Love seeing his smiles.
    Blessings, Briley

  5. I love seeing pics of Jonathan at home! Just take things as they come, and hang in there!
