Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Thoughts from an adult adoptee

It wasn't until we went to an adoption class that was part of our process to be able to adopt J  that I realized I am called an adult adoptee!  My whole life I have tried to potray adoption as a wonderful thing. I have been so proud of being adopted...I wear it as a badge of honor because of the incredible way I have been blessed through adoption!  Of course I think everyone should adopt but I know that won't happen!  The statistic that is floating around is that 34% of Christians consider adoption but only 1% actually adopt!

I was adopted at the age of three months.  I spent the first three months of my life in a foster home. My foster  family actually wanted to adopt me but the state of  Massachusetts wouldn't allow them to  because they already had other adopted kiddos in the family. Couples without any children were given a priority at that time!  So I became a Barry and  my story of redemption began!  I am now a follower of Christ because of my physical adoption into a family that followed Christ.  My parents were fulfilling the Great Commission when they adopted me.  Do you see... it is so much bigger than just placing children in families...it is giving them Christ! It is about making disciples!

I have always loved to talk about my adoption and adoption in general.  But in my life there have  been plenty of offensive comments made about adoption but I have never had a problem with hearing those comments or responding to people when they made comments about things that they had no idea about.  I have always enjoyed being able to share my story!  But now it is no longer just me... it is one of my children!!  I somehow can handle comments when they are directed towards me but now I have a child who is joining our family through adoption and it is a whole different ballgame! I am now finding that my defenses raise up when I hear or read comments about adoption that are totally wrong!  But I am also realizing it is not my job to fix people's view of adoption...I need to give that over to God! I need to advocate and be an example but I cannot change opinions! I am praying though for the ability to give grace and love when I come face to face with comments that are hurtful and just flat out wrong!  Please pray for me! :)

 I just finished a book Adopted for Life by Russell D. Moore.  It is a must read for every disciple of Christ even if you are not in the process of adopting or ever plan to adopt... because he so skillfully weaves into physical adoption the story of our adoption by God!  We are all adopted!  It gives such a clear understanding of exactly what  adoption is and how God views it and how the church should view adoption and orphans!

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.
James 1:27

One way to care for orphans is to diaper them!!  My friend, Megan, is going to be traveling to UG very soon to meet their son for the first time.  Our sons are at the same orphanage and they don't have very many diapers.  This means that disease can easily be spread so Megan's plan is to bring over as many cloth diapers as she possibly can.  She has had an awesome response so far and if you have given...THANK YOU and I wish I could hug you!!!   If you haven't... would you consider giving a pack of diapers or  diaper covers to the kiddos? Not only are you blessing our son you are blessing so many others!  You can go to her blog and donate with the paypal link or go to her Amazon wishlist and pick something to donate! Thank you!


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