Isn't that picture awesome? Just look at that those children!!...and the goat too. :) This goat will provide milk for these children and income for the orphanage from selling the milk, too!
Back in May I introduced you to the Kyengera Orphanage in Uganda and my friend, Tonya. Tonya and her family have adopted the entire Kyengera Orphanage. You can read that post here. In June, Jake and Elyse had a bake sale to raise money to buy a goat for the orphanage...that didn't go quite as we planned because God had another plan for providing a goat for these children in Uganda, and once again, He showed us his love and grace. Then, Jake and Elyse invited their friends over for ice cream and those friends brought enough change to pay for a year's worth of vet fees for the goat. It was incredible to see these kids from the age of 2 all the way up to 12 bring all of their change for kids they will most likely never meet this side of heaven, but they all wanted to share what they had. Their willingness to share was such an example to me.
If you would like to learn more about the work being done at the Kyengera Orphanage go to Kirabo Seeds. We are already getting excited about the next project they are working on...starting a library for the children at the orphanage at Kyengera!
Sew Quilty Sew-a-Long
7 hours ago
so sweet :) are they collecting books for the kids or just money? if they are collecting books we have some we will donate